Saturday, February 20, 2010

List Of Boxing Gyms In Plymouth Excel Question: Is It Possible To Assign A Combo Box To A Cell Beside It?

Excel question: is it possible to assign a combo box to a cell beside it? - list of boxing gyms in plymouth

To say that I list items (different gym gear for sale) (combo). How could, for example, select the training gloves, etc., while the adjacent cell, the price displayed?

1 comment:

fox_squi... said...

The manner in which he had to do is a lookup table with all the arts and pricing, hidden somewhere (eg AA1: AA1-AB500 to create, where 500 contains the name of the AB1-500, and includes price).

Can I write a VBA macro for OnValueChanged the box, put the hidden value in another cell (something like Range ( "Z1"). ComboBox1.Value = value) and in the cell where you want the price which it appears, type:

= VLOOKUP (Z1, AA1: AB500, 2)

There is probably a better way, but you should.

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